Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dig Deep #2: Pantry Schmantry

There is what I would consider the Whole Foods of Akashi across from my office. We call this The Pantry--exceedingly malapropos. Yippie San Franciscans and smug organic vegetable zealots are replaced by android-esque housewives and retirees. They don't even blink as they rummage through astronomically over-priced produce. There are these benumbing remixes of classic Western music playing, almost like it's sending shoppers into a trance where $11 for a bushel of grapes wont thwart any attempt to make it to the register with a full basket. Do they not know the 100 yen shop (dollar store) across the street offers the same items at a predictably lower price? This could be depressing depending on how you look at it. I just want the Muzak to stop. Louis Armstrong would wake up in his grave, appalled. 

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