Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dig Deep #1: 100 Calories My Ass...

It seems like all packaged food in Japan comes in little, 100 calorie packs. The food itself may not be low calorie, but the quantity certainly keeps me from feeling completely full and satisfied.
I never bought into the "100 calorie" packs in the US. I figured it was the same as branding Betty Crocker cake mix as cupcake mix... as if they were any different. For dieting purposes, sure, 100 calorie packs are seemingly great, if you can keep yourself from eating more than one. Today, I had about 4 or 5 packs of M&M's. Sure, there were only about 10 M&M's in each pack, but the guilt that rode me all the way home as I scarfed my last pack that had been melting in my suit pocket all day will certainly stay with me tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Mostly, I'm trying to imagine you in a suit. Mmm. Delicious.